The accident

Thursday Nov 9th 2006.
I was coming home from work. I parked our car to our parking lot.
It had snowed on the previous night and the heater had melted it from the top of our car. Since the temperature was below zero centigrade, the water falling from the roof froze when it hit the ground forming an ice-ridge. There was no sand, so I fell when I stepped there. And I fell directly to the ridge on my shoulder.
First I thought my shoulder was dislocated. It hurt so I was barely able to stand up. I walked home, but decided to return and get treatment. It turned out I better get directly to a hospital. My son Markus drove me there.
It was a busy day at the hospital.
Several other people had slipped on ice. But within two hours I was interviewed and examined by a doctor, x-rayed and instructed to take pain medication 3 times per day. It turned out I had a proximal humerus fracture (a fracture that occurs near the shoulder joint).
As in most cases it will most likely heal without surgery. So I got a sling that holds my wrist to keep my arm in right angle. And I got instructions to keep it as stable as possible. For starters they gave me sick leave for 3 weeks.
It was not easy to sleep, but I managed to get some. Tried to inform everybody about what had happened and how little I would be able to do during the coming weeks. Got a lot of symphaty and some instructions. The hands-free on my mobile phone turned out to be of great help even when not driving. Stayed home all day. Reserved time for research by orthopedic surgeon.
Saturday Nov 11th 2006.
Had to do some more work to get the invoices out so we would not end up going broke.
Stayed home all day.
Sunday Nov 12th 2006.
Went out first time since I came from the hospiltal. Attended church area conference and one friend of ours, who is a doctor, pointed out that if my bone had broken so easily, it is possible that I have osteoporosis, that could in turn be caused by coeliac. And since my brother and one of my sons have coeliac, that will need to be tested.
Monday Nov 13th 2006.
Went back to the hospital to get a copy of my x-ray pictures on CD. and the whole list if you want to see more.
My arm is showing interesting colors.

Tuesday Nov 14th 2006.
I am learning to be carefull and yet do more things without help. Have to rest a lot and eat well.
Wednesday Nov 15th 2006.
I went to see orthopedic surgeon Vesa Savolainen. Got more x-rays.

He confirmed that it is still possible to treat me without surgery and gave more instructions on how to make sure it heals. But he also pointed out that I will not be able to do everything with my left arm, that some of the damage will be permanent.
Went to theater with my wife. The title was "Hyvin päättyy kaikki" (It will all turn out good). Just perfect.
Thursday Nov 16th 2006.
I wrote this blog up until now today. Have not been able to do it this far for obvious reasons. Had to learn to use only my right hand in typing. Terribly slow.
Friday Nov 17th 2006.
I went to the hospital for follow-up. Got more x-rays.

The treatment has worked well. Gravity has set the bone straight and after two more weeks it will be stable enough to start treating the muscles etc.
Saturday Nov 18th 2006.
I went to see our construction site with my wife. Was not able to do much.
My elbow has collected all bruises and is also showing interesting colors.

Sunday Nov 19th 2006.
I went to church with my family. Can't drive so my wife was driving.
Monday Nov 20th 2006.
Last day on pain medication (I was reluctant to take any at the first place, but the doctor said they will also help against infections). Went to see one of my servers that needed a new motherboard. My son Markus was driving and another friend Jason Brower did the actual work. I was pretty much just an innocent bystander. But ther server is running again.
Tuesday Nov 21st 2006.
First day without pain medication and I feel a lot better. Broke my headset, so had to get out (by buss) and find a new one (and easier to use with just one hand).
Wednesday Nov 22nd 2006.
Attended a meeting at work. Two hours was as much as I can take now. Travelling (by buss) is still quite difficult. Went to see the orthopedic surgeon Vesa Savolainen again. Got more x-rays (will get to web-site later). He confirmed that the bone is healing as well as could have been expected. It seems pretty clear now that no surgery is needed and most of ther damage can be healed. He also confirmed that there was no point in making me take the pain madication and in stead of helping preventing infections, it could have made it worse if anything.
Thursday Nov 23rd 2006.
Yesterday appeared to have been too busy. Had to rest most of the time and stay home the whole day. We finns are so fortunate to have sauna, feels so much better after sauna.